Spencer Perceval
All Saints, Ealing is grateful for grants received from the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage and AllChurches Trust which were secured during the Covid Pandemic.
These grants enabled us to implement technology into the church: internet, projection and improvements to the sound system. We are now able to stream church services for those who join us from their homes. We are currently also working to develop All Saints into a better-equipped and more welcoming venue for the whole Parish through internal reorganisation.
While this award makes a big difference, our fundraising for renewal continues. Many of you will already be aware of the plans we have to make our beautiful building more available for other activities. We have plans for a Film Club and another Toddler Group, following on from the success of Mini Saints. If you would like to make a donation towards our development work please click links to giving, or contact us at allsaintsealing.org.uk
All Saints is the Spencer Perceval (01/11/1762-11/05/1812) Memorial Church, built through the generosity of his youngest daughter, Frederica, who generously bequeathed money in her will (24th July 1899) to erect a Church in his memory. He died when she was only 7 years old. Spencer Perceval was the Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1809 until his death in 1812. He was assassinated in the House of Commons by John Bellingham.
Rev Greg Downes, theologian and minister at St Michael le Belfry, York, describes how Spencer Perceval is 'an unsung hero from the 18th century. Born in 1762 Spencer Perceval has two distinctions. He was the only evangelical prime minister we've ever had . . . The second distinction is that he was the only prime minister ever to be assassinated in office. His wife had a dream the night before that he would be assassinated. She begged him not to go into parliament, but he did.'
He was an unsung hero because he was a man of serious Anglican, evangelical faith and ethics - committed to his wife and 12 children, abstaining from alcohol and other indulgences, which often led those who inhabited important offices into places of compromise and undoing. He was passionate about his faith, which he spoke about regularly. He committed himself to bible study and changing the nation for the better, namely by working alongside William Wilberforce to bring an end to slavery. Everyone who came into contact with Spencer Perceval knew him to be a man of utmost integrity. He has been described as 'the model Christian politician of George III's reign.' (Edward Hicks PhD Life & Times of Spencer Perceval).
All Saints is proud of its legacy. Some of our core values revolve around living out our faith with transparency and honesty, praying that we would walk the walk as well as talk the talk. We hold each other to high account and pray too that we can, each, in our own small way, be a beacon of light in the spheres of influence God has given us. We also know that living distinctively Christian lives will be costly. Spencer Perceval was assassinated for scuppering the plans of a certain John Bellingham, whose intent was to make a name for himself; who felt passed over; who had a grudge to bear and could not let that grudge go. Spencer Perceval's life was cut short, as can happen to those, who at great cost to themselves, seek to make a difference and live out the convictions of their faith. May he be an inspiration to all who join us to discover the cost and joys of the cruciform life.
Ealing’s local park, Walpole Park is named after Walpole, Perceval’s son-in-law. Ealing’s civic centre is named Perceval House. In this way Spencer Perceval’s story wraps around our neighbourhood and his reputation lives on. May the light of Christ live in you!
Philippians 2:14-16 Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night so I’ll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns. You’ll be living proof that I didn’t go to all this work for nothing.The Message (MSG).